
Basic Calculator: An easy-to-use Calculator for all

Simple Calculator

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the basic calculator:

Step 1: Open the Basic Calculator

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the page on your WordPress website where you’ve embedded the calculator.

Step 2: Basic Calculator Layout

  1. The calculator will be displayed on the webpage. You’ll see a text input box at the top where the numbers and calculations are shown.

Step 3: Entering Numbers

  1. To start performing calculations, click on the number buttons (0-9). Each click will add the respective number to the input box. For example, if you click on the “2” button, the input box will show “2”.

Step 4: Decimal Point

  1. If you need to enter decimal numbers, click the “.” button. For instance, if you want to input 3.14, click “.” after “3”, and then “1” and “4”.

Step 5: Arithmetic Operations

  1. To perform arithmetic operations, click on the operator buttons (+, -, *, /). For example, if you want to add two numbers, enter the first number, then click the “+” button, then enter the second number.
  2. You can continue adding more numbers and operators to build complex expressions.

Step 6: Clearing the Display

  1. If you make a mistake or want to clear the input, click the “C” button. This will clear the input box.

Step 7: Calculating the Result

  1. Once you’ve entered the desired expression, click the “=” button. The calculator will evaluate the expression and display the result in the input box.

Step 8: Viewing the Result

  1. The result of the calculation will appear in the input box. If there’s an error in the expression, an “Error” message will be displayed.

Step 9: Performing More Calculations

  1. To perform another calculation, you can either clear the input by clicking the “C” button or start a new calculation by entering numbers and operators.

Step 10: Exiting the Calculator

  1. When you’re done using the calculator, you can simply close the web browser or navigate away from the calculator page.

Remember that while this basic calculator is a simple tool for basic calculations, it uses the eval() function for evaluation, which may not be the most secure option for real-world applications. If you plan to use a calculator on a production website, consider implementing more robust and secure methods for evaluating expressions.

1. What is on a basic calculator?

Basic Calculator is also called a four-function calculator, this calculator provides plus, minus, multiply, divide, square root, all clear. Can be used for a wide variety of exams and is our most used calculator.

2. What is a good basic calculator?

You can perform fundamental operations on this solar-powered basic calculator by using simple push buttons on the front panel. The HS-8VA is also extremely compact, which helps the user to carry it in a backpack, pocket, wallet, briefcase or purse.

3. What is M+ and M in calculator?

Press “M+” (memory plus) to add the presently displayed number to the value in memory. You can also use “M-” (memory minus) to subtract the present value from the stored value.

4. What is a 5 function calculator?

A five-function calculator does not include trigonometric or logarithmic functions.

5. What’s a 4 function calculator?

basic calculators that have functions limited to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, and percentage.

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